Posts tagged COVID19
Don’t Spread Corona, Spread Love: Getting Through COVID-19 with James Henry

Don’t Spread Corona, Spread Love with

James Henry’s

Guide to

Cannabis &

Staying Home

Did you Know That James Henry Has Premium Flower Selections

For Enjoying Your Cannabis Optimally DUring Any Part of the Day?

From Wake and Bake to Work And Create to Relax and Sleep.

Our Menu is Curated Perfectly for Your Time At Home

During COVID-19. Here are a Few Helpful Steps Below.

Step 1: Don’t Pass the Joint or Share the Vape! Find Peace In Knowing That…You May Not Be Going Anywhere for a While

On Thursday, we hit a grim watershed. The US overtook Italy and China as the country with the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

- Prof. Jeff Sachs, Director | 26 Mar 20

Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University

Yeahhh, even mayors in the Southern U.S. are hitting the vape pens without discretion these days. And that’s perfectly fine, no judgements here, obviously. But we do want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to become comfortable with restricting movements outside of the home as much as possible for your own safety, your family, and so on. We call this Acceptance. Thus, we do encourage you to take a deep breath and use this time to connect with self and loved ones during this time. The COVID-19 situation has literally turned the world upside down and what can we do besides protect ourselves and acclimate to the change with grace, intention, and most importantly, embrace an inner peace in acceptance that you are in complete control of the situation around you. We recommend our Focus Coast 2:1 CBD-Dominant Flower for this exercise to help you relax without a heavy high.

If you can find the free time, we also encourage you to write your policy makers at the judiciary levels and demand that they release non-violent cannabis offenders immediately. Check out the Last Prisoner Project and the Minority Cannabis Business Alliance for more information on how you can contribute to the conversation.

Step 2: Minimize Stress. Find a Balanced Rhythm That AlLows You to Work & Play

1, Plan Holistically.

2. Get Real with Your Boss & Teammates.

3. Confirm Changing Priorities and Deadlines.

4. Optimize Your Stamina.

5. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.

- Kourtney Whitehead | 15 Mar 20

Senior Contributor at Forbes

We’re going to say this to those of us whom need to hear this; Thou Shall Not Spend the Entire Corona Epidemic Dysfunctionally High! We will not get on the company video call with red, tiny eyes and a perfect smile! But we will business on the top and pajama on the bottom! Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we’ve taken an excerpt from Kourtney Whitehead’s piece on with a few steps to help those working from home. Even if you can’t work from home right now, use this time to fill out important financial relief requests, cancel unnecessary monthly charges, learn new information and skills, in addition to working on personal projects that you’ve been putting off. We encourage you to utilize this time to take extra care of yourself, appreciate friends and family more, and take the dog on more frequent walks; socially distanced of course. Finding a balanced work-home life while working from home should be fun and enlightening for you and your family during this time. Avoid watching too much media, just enough to stay informed of important details.

Step 3: Take Care of Your Immune System. Eat Well, Move Well, Rest Well: An Intro to Cannabimimetics

“Cannabimimetics are substances, non-cannabis substances, or practices that stimulate the endocannabinoid system…we have our cannabinoids, then we have everything that falls under the cannabimimetic category, which is nutrition, detoxification, supplementation, physical activity, deep breathing, yoga, meditation, acupuncture…[and more that we discuss with patients].”

- Dr. Rachel Knox - MD, Endocannabinologist

Co-Founder at Advent Academy

As we toss our bags of Reese’s and gummy worms under our desk during the creation of this post, we’re talking to all of our colleagues and neighbors out there when we say what we’re going to say next. That summer body is not going to snack itself into perfection and there are a lot of closed gyms right now! Unless we all agree to snack and eat healthier, we’re going to be spending a few more dollars on new wardrobe pieces and fitness trainers after this. So we want you to have some fun with your healthy snacks! Dr. Rachel Knox describes cannabimimetics above and we are sharing some of our favorite cannabimimetic foods with you. Try wild lavender and holy basil infused in lemonade sweetened with a Kikoko Honey Shot, cinnamon & cloves pair really well in herbal teas as well as add spice to bold flavored meals, rosemary and black pepper with fresh-squeezed lemon juice can really enhance wild-caught fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, and kava tea bars are really fun with friends (once we’re allowed to go out and play again). The goal should always be as natural foods as possible while reducing/eliminating excessive intake of processed foods, including processed vegan options.

We always hear that exercise is an important habit to maintain and we can’t emphasize that enough during this time, especially for our colleagues and neighbors sheltering-in-place with family and/or roomies. Physical activity is not only vital to your physical health, but also your mental health and mood. Parents should also be mindful of this and ensure enough movement for little ones at home. We should all be stretching more and taking time to inhale all the good stuff and exhale all the other stuff that we may be thinking about, but can’t control. After your exercise and/or meditation, we recommend relaxing with our Hybrid True Ryder Flower (50/50) which relaxes the body and the mind with a pleasantly high experience or our Retreat Granimals Indica-Dominant Flower which is a great body high that makes you fall in love with your favorite spot on the couch all over again, every time. We encourage everyone to reward themselves accordingly after an amazing work-from-home day, online trainer session, and cannabimimetic balanced dinner. That includes a good night’s rest.

Lastly, and as disheartening as this is, medical experts are advising to reduce, if not negate, smoking and vaping excessively during COVID-19. As the Corona Virus impacts the lungs, excessive smoking or vaping could cause additional stress on the lungs and weaken immune response to combatting the virus. Individuals with compromised immune systems and opioid users are advised to take additional precautions. Thus, during this time, we want to remind our consumers to consume responsibly and optimally. Avoid tobacco or chemically processed rolling papers, potentially try bongs and glass bowls in addition to inhaling slower with shorter breaths to reduce the potential of over-stressing your lungs. Right now may also be a great time to try and/or fine-tune your experience with edibles, tinctures, etc. Infused-ingredients, such as cannabis and CBD butter, may also be fun to experiment with during some of your new-found free time! Check out Jeff the 420 Chef for some amazing inspiration and recipe ideas. At James Henry, our flower and our products help you consume optimally for any part of the day and we want to keep you safe and informed always.

Step 4: Save Time, Be Safe, Order It Online

As the infectious new coronavirus grinds global commerce to a halt, essential businesses can’t just stop, and that includes medical and adult-use cannabis. For California and Colorado’s licensed cannabis stores—which regulators have deemed essential—that means rolling out curbside pickup, drive-thrus, and delivery services to try and break the virus’ chain of transmission.

- David Downs | 25 Mar 20

California Bureau Chief at

In the spirit of social distancing during COVID-19, everything you can order online, order it online and enjoy the front door convenience. Some supplies are a little harder to find than others at the moment, but a lot of our colleagues and neighbors have found luck in some smaller establishments and websites. Luckily, cannabis delivery services are readily available for your essential cannabis and CBD needs. Try Frosty Flowers Delivery, New Life Delivery, and Greenline Delivery for service throughout the Oakland, San Francisco, Peninsula, East Bay (Berkeley, Walnut Creek, Pleasanton), and Southeast Bay. We encourage you to order the James Henry, naturally, and try other amazing products that suit your consumption needs. If you must go out, make sure you protect yourself by keeping hand sanitizer, face masks or handkerchiefs, and sanitizing wipes handy. Get in and get out, maintain being a human being in the process. It’s inherently rude to treat your neighbors like they have rabies or something. We encourage that you speak, make eye contact, pass to the right of each other, etc. Our retail partners are practicing sanitization, social distancing, touch-less and curbside services in Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco for your James Henry Essentials; some are even establishing delivery options including The James Henry Concierge (COMING SOON). Be Smart, Be Safe.

Step 5: Keep Calm & Carry On With Your Life, Creatively and purposefully

There may be shortages of hand sanitizer, toilet paper and COVID-19 test kits (depending on who is talking), but one pandemic survival tool appears to be getting more abundant every day: the kindness of strangers.

- Kate Darby Rauch | 16 Mar 20

Contributor, Berkeleyside

If you’re familiar with the James Henry artwork and the meaning behind the birds speaking to one another, then you know that we are big on community. Our collective lives were already interesting before, but add the COVID-19 pandemic with limited resources and knowledge of protecting ourselves, plus cabin fever and you’ll get something similar to the reality of yourself and others around you. Check on your neighbors, your friends, your family and loved ones often during these times. We have to get through this together as a community and that includes being good neighbors. Take this time to create new art, new music, new and improved habits, and stay calm throughout the process. We recommend combining our Focus Coast 2:1 and our Social Lemon Jack Flowers to help stimulate those ideas without being too energized, but pleasantly blissed and uplifted. During this time, James Henry will be developing content and more products that will provide great experiences during COVID-19 and beyond. Keep your heads up, stay safe out there, (Parents - Remember to Lock Up Your Essentials from the Little Ones Home from School) and don’t forget to consume your James Henry and other products responsibly.

Don’t Spread Corona, Spread Love! BUT don’t pass the joint for now.